IBEW Local 613 2020 Elections

Official Notice - Election Postponement Due to the COVID-19 Virus

In accordance with Article XVII, Section 9, of the International Constitution the local union executive board held a special called meeting on APRIL 9, 2020 at 10:00AM to discuss and vote on options for the upcoming elections normally scheduled for the month of May 2020.  Much discussion considering the serious health issues of the COVID-19 virus, Center of Disease Control (CDC) recommendations, local, state, and federal guidelines and given the Department of Labor's Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) recent advisory which, recognizes that due to the disruption caused by COVID-19, “it may be difficult or impossible for some unions to conduct timely union officer elections”  In consideration of the reasons stated above and our paramount concern for the health, safety and well-being of our members and their families the executive board voted to postpone the election of Local Union Officers until a later date.

Therefore, the date of election of Local Union 613 Officers is now scheduled below:

  • The notice of nominations and elections will be mailed at least 20 days prior to the AUGUST 18, 2020 regular union meeting. 
  • Nominations will be held at the regular union meeting on AUGUST 18, 2020
  • Election of officers will be held on SEPTEMBER 25, 2020
  • Run-off election (if needed) will be held on OCTOBER 16, 2020
  • All officers shall be initiated during the regular union meeting of the Local Union on OCTOBER 20, 2020.

Your executive board will continue to carefully monitor the COVID-19 situation(s) and make any further adjustments to the above-mentioned schedule if necessary and will continue to communicate any changes with you.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Ronnie Cook

IBEW Local 613 Executive Board Chairman



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