Experienced Electricians Wanted
Become A Member Of IBEW Local 613

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 613 encourages all experienced electricians within their jurisdiction to join our ranks!
Union electrical workers not only earn more than their non-union counterparts, but they have far superior medical insurance and retirement benefits.
When comparing the entire package - hourly wages, overtime and fringe benefits - IBEW Local 613’s Collective Bargaining Agreement makes far more financial sense for experienced electricians than any package offered by non-union electrical contractors.
Through a Collective Bargaining Agreement, our Local union negotiates on our members behalf for wages, hours, working conditions, fringe benefits and more. Jobsite representation helps resolve grievances and helps enforce all terms agreed to by both parties.
Besides the compensation package, membership within Local 613 provides electricians and electrical workers with the opportunity to take industry-leading training courses. No-cost training through the Local 613 Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee allows electricians and electrical workers to stay up-to-date on the latest industry technology, trends and tools. This helps them work more efficiently and also helps them complete the job correctly, the first time.
Another benefit to joining Local 613 is the ability to work anywhere in the country. If or when work slows down within the Local jurisdiction, Local 613 members can travel to other IBEW jurisdictions where there are open work calls, until work at home picks up.
Take advantage of the skills you have acquired throughout your career and become a member of Local 613.
Applications to become a member of Local 613 can be picked up, in-person at the Local 613 union hall.
To become a member of IBEW Local 613, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Must live in the Local 613 jurisdiction
- Georgia or Alabama drivers license
- Produce a Social Security card
- High school diploma or GED equivalent
- Agree to a background check
Once your application and required documents are submitted, we will process your background check. Once the background check is processed, we schedule an assessment test to determine your knowledge of the electrical industry. Depending on the results of the test and an interview, we will determine if you need more training to become a journeyman inside wireman. Local 613 will also begin searching for a work assignment for you.
Before applying for Local 613 membership, please contact one of the following:
Manny Gonzalez
Membership Development Manager
Phone: (404) 523-8107 Ext. 222
Email: mannygonzalez@ibew613.org
Lorri Smith
Membership Development Assistant
Phone: (404) 523-8107 Ext. 229
Email: lorrismith@ibew613.org